09:00-09:45 | ||
09:45-10:30 | Internet Challenges and Leadership Opportunities for Taiwan in this Decade By Steve Crocker(Edgemoor Research Institute) |
10:30-10:45 | ||
10:45-12:15 | 打造永續數位未來:數位轉型與多方利益關係人角色 Shaping to a sustainable and digital future: digital transformation and the roles of multi-stakeholders 主持人:詹婷怡 Nicole Chan 與談人:李育杰、劉耀元、劉莘相 David Liu、林峻民 Jimmy Lin、趙均埔 Victor Chao |
12:15-13:30 | ||
13:30-15:00 | The Open Internet: What it is and why it matters (Twitter Inc.) 主持人:Jun Chu 與談人:Jun Chu、Adrian Wan、周冠汝 Kuan-Ju Chou、詹婷怡 Nicole Chan、耿璐 Lulu Keng | The forfeiture and seizure of the domain name (交大科法所) 主持人:蔡志宏 Henry Tsai 與談人:林記弘、陳昱奉、張世傑、黃勝雄 Kenny Huang、陳世杰 |
15:00-15:15 | ||
15:15-16:45 | Digital Human Rights in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic –An International Perspective (國際特赦組織台灣分會) 主持人:黃寬心 Grace Huang 與談人:Lizzie O'Shea 、Prasanth Sugathan 、Jiyoun Choe、陳舜伶 Shun-Ling Chen、Joshua Franco | The EU digital governance of the post-epidemic era- Take the DSA and GDPR as an example (財團法人人工智慧法律國際研究基金會) 主持人:洪思竹 與談人:林勤富 Ching-Fu Lin 、劉漢威 Han Wei Liu、洪財隆 TSAI-LUNG HONG |
09:00-10:30 | 鼓勵全球通用 Encouraging Universal Acceptance 主持人:Edmon Chung 與談人:Akinori Maemura、黃勝雄 Kenny Huang、羅嘉榮 Jia-Rong Low |
10:30-10:45 | |||
10:45-12:15 | Human rights protection and supervision of the pandemic regulatory (台灣人權促進會) 主持人:邱文聰 與談人:邱伊翎、郭景宴、周冠汝 Kuan-Ju Chou、洪玲玲 | Set-up of the Internet security of the code of technology and criminal investigation (民間司法改革基金會) 主持人:林俊宏 與談人:李榮耕、查士朝、林俊儒、thx aka 熊大、許惠嵐 Crystal、李超偉 | The Role of the Private Sector in the Digital Economy Policymaking Process (Center for International Private Enterprise) 主持人:Catherine Tai、Srujana Penumetcha Huerter 與談人:Mary Jean T. Pacheco、Felippa Amanta、Cynthia Chyn、Thomas Abell、Ryan Evangelista |
12:15-13:30 | |||
13:30-15:00 | The pandemic prevention and new thought of the digital law in the post-COVID-19 era (理律法律事務所) 主持人:曾更瑩 Ken-Ying Tseng 與談人:陳鋕雄、李崇僖、許華堯、鄭嘉逸、林雨蒼 |
15:00-15:15 | |||
15:15-16:45 | Technology prevention: The application and law of the digital tracking tools (國立臺北科技大學智財所) 主持人:江雅綺 與談人:蔡志宏 Henry Tsai、徐子涵 T.H. Schee、羅承宗 | Education, advocacy and promotion to cyber security standard (台灣經濟研究院) 主持人:陳映竹 與談人:張心玲 Karen Chang、Wout de Natris、Mark Carvell | |