曾更瑩 Ken-Ying Tseng
Partner, Lee and Li, Attorneys At Law
Ken-Ying Tseng specializes in mergers and acquisitions, personal data protection, cybersecurity, e-commerce, Internet law, telecommunications, merger control, and competition law. Having advised on various forms of merger and acquisition, she is experienced in resolving both legal and commercial issues. Ken-Ying’s technology practices also cover artificial intelligence, fintech, OTT, e-payment, P2P lending, sharing economy, domain names, e-signature, Internet security, e-trading, ICP, MOD, cable TV, and satellite TV.
Ken-Ying also advises clients on corporate governance, general compliance, offshore and onshore listing, employment, and pharmaceutical-related matters.
Ken-Ying is a special consultant of the National Development Council for personal data protection matters. She is a director of “National Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion Association”, a member of the International Affairs Committee of TWNIC, and a director of the “Secured Online Shopping Association”.
曾更瑩律師擔任台灣網路治理論壇常務理事,參與ICANN以及IGF多年。 曾律師為哈佛大學法學院法學碩士,台灣大學法律學士、法學碩士,專精企業併購、個人資料保護、電子商務、網際網路法律、電信以及科技法律。曾律師對於各類併購案件之處理具有豐富經驗,在科技法律的領域,曾律師亦處理人工智慧、金融科技、OTT、電子支付、P2P借貸、共享經濟、網域名稱、電子簽章、網路安全、網路下單、ICP、MOD、有線電視、衛星電視等。曾律師亦常為客戶提供公司治理、法律遵循、海內外上市、勞動法令、醫藥衛生法令等諮詢服務。