朱悦寧 Eileen Chu
社團法人台灣數位外交協會 專案經理
Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association, Project Manager
悦寧於2022年加入社團法人台灣數位外交協會,擔任專案經理一職,主要負責組織對外聯繫工作。2023年為美國在台協協會 Cybersecurity Awareness Month Outreach 專案執行、Cooking Democracy台-捷民主交流專案擔任執行製作人,更於年底代表協會出席由 DCN Global 所舉辦的亞太數位年會。在協助協會業務推廣的同時,也關注移工教育與偏鄉教育議題。
Eileen Chu is the project manager at the Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association (TDDA), an independent NGO focused on increasing Taiwan’s visibility through public diplomacy. She joined TDDA in 2022 and has primarily been in charge of external relations and project management. She is the project executive for the American Institute in Taiwan’s 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness Month Outreach, the executive producer of the Cooking Democracy Program, and was selected to represent TDDA at the DCN Global in East Asia and the Pacific Event. Besides her work in digital diplomacy, she is also dedicated to ‘Migrant Education’ and ‘Rural Education’ in Taiwan.