李比鄰 Billion Lee

cofounder, Cofacts

Billion 在 2016 年共同發起 Cofacts 真的假的專案。她長期在婚姻平權、開放與自由的領域深耕多元的倡議與對話,比鄰也開發對抗不實訊息的培力課程。她專精公民科技與數位民主活動,曾是專業人才交流計畫之學友與去中心化學友專案得獎人。曾前往 PolitiFact 與 Poynter進行交流,與不同國家的貢獻者進行協作與澄清資訊。他也組織了OSINT公開來源情報的查核社群推廣查核技巧與媒體識讀訓練。比鄰希望可以連結社會,並透過社群連結與教育推廣抵禦不實資訊的威脅。

Billion is the cofounder of Cofacts, a project she initiated in 2016. She is a staunch advocate for marriage equality and open freedom, dedicating herself to bridging diverse communities and providing empowerment courses to combat disinformation. She is expertise in civic technology and digital democracy. Billion has participated in the Fellowship of Professional Fellows Program and the decentralized Dweb Camp fellowship. She has visited PolitiFact and Poynter in the United States for exchanges, fostering collaboration with contributors from various countries to clarify information. Besides, she manages a community focused on developing OSINT fact-checking skills and enhancing media literacy. Billion’s efforts are aimed at creating a more informed and connected society, combating disinformation through education and community engagement.