座談 Panel #5

提案單位:Center for International Private Enterprise

韌性網路 (Resilient Internet)

An open, secure, and accessible internet is essential for advancing resilient democracies and economies. While digital transformation and technologies continue to unlock economic potential and drive economic, civil, and political participation online, the preservation and understanding of digital rights remains a challenge and the multifaceted digital divide persists.

The emergence and proliferation of new technologies are prompting critical discussions about the role of technology in societies and economies, the ways in which governments and citizens interact, and the challenges to democratic governance, the rule of law, and human rights. Governments, consumers, and businesses must tend with risks online related to privacy, digital rights, business operations, consumer trust, and increasingly restricted civic spaces. Ensuring inclusive and equitable digital ecosystems and an open, secure democratic internet that safeguards digital rights requires continued investments in strengthening digital skills, building digital rights literacy and digital resilience especially among underrepresented groups and marginalized communities, and strengthened advocacy and public-private cooperation.

This discussion will offer perspectives on how business, civil society, and government can strengthen democratic governance, market competitiveness, and safeguard fundamental democratic rights. The session will also feature innovative, grassroots initiatives and efforts to democratize digital transformation and address the digital divide amid the diffusion of emerging technologies.