2020年工作坊提案已於 109年8月31日下午3時(臺灣時間)截止
- 主題:單一世界,單一網路?
Main Theme: One World, One Internet?
- 子題 Sub Theme:
- 關鍵網路資源(Critical Internet Resources)
- 相關議題領域:IP位址、網域名稱、路由安全、根伺服器、DNS政策、網路海纜、資料中心、交換中心等。
- Relate areas: IP address, domain name system, routing security, root server, DNS policy, submarine cable, data center, IXP, etc.
- 網路人權(Internet human rights)
- 相關議題領域:個資保護、網路隱私權、數位包容、言論自由、數位落差等。
- Related areas: personal data protection, Internet privacy, digital inclusion, freedom of speech, digital divides, etc.
- 網路安全(Cyber Security)
- 相關議題領域:國家政策與法規、關鍵基礎設施保護、網路犯罪、網路駭侵事件、網路衝突、兒少安全與保護(色情、覇凌、仇恨言論)等。
- Related areas: nation policy and regulation, critical infrastructure protection, cybercrime, Internet hacking, cyber conflict, online child safety, etc.
- 數位主權(Digital Sovereignty)
- 相關議題領域:網際網路分裂、替代性網路、網路長城、治理模式等。
- Related areas: Internet Fragmentation, alternative Internet, governance models, etc.
- 數位貿易(Digital Trade)
- 相關議題領域:跨境資料傳輸與自由流通、資料在地化、資料治理等。
- related areas: cross-border data flow, data localization, data governance, etc.
- 法律與管制(Law & Regulation)
- 相關議題領域:針對新興科技應用(如Big Data、物聯網、人工智慧、區塊鍊、5G等)規管方法或治理模式等。
- Related areas: regulation or governance models on the emerging technologies, such as big data, IoT, artifactual intelligence, blockchain and 5G.
- 會議形式 Workshop Session Format:
TWIGF 2020 is composed of multiple workshops, which are proposed from the Community. The topics of the workshop should align with one of the six TWIGF 2020 sub themes. Each workshop lasts 90 minutes and the number of speakers should be no more than 5. Guided by the moderator, speakers will share their viewpoints on particular topics.
- 其他規範 Other Rules
- 若使用簡報之講者,每人簡報頁數請限於3~5張。
For speakers who would like to use presentation slides, it is suggested to limit the slide page to no more than 5.
- 各場次講者之邀請與相關行政安排皆由提案者負責,TWIGF僅提供場地與設備,並無提供講師出席費或車馬費。
It is the workshop organizer’s responsibility to invite his/her own speakers accordingly. TWIGF only provides the venue and necessary facilities for the workshop session.
- 提案評選流程及時程 Workshop Evaluation & Timeline
- 徵稿期間:即日起延長至 8月31日下午3時(臺灣時間)
Due of workshop proposals submission: 31 August 2020, 15:00 Taipei Time
- 評選時間:9月
Proposal evaluation: In early September 2020
- 評選小組:由MSG(Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group)成員將審查截止日期前收到的所有提案針對以下評選標準進行評分與排序,評分高者優先納入議程。為在平行會議中平均分配提案並儘可能容納更多的提案,可能需要對類似的討論問題進行提案的合併或重新排列。評選小組可建議發言者的某些具體修改,以確保小組的利益相關者和主題的平衡。
The Evaluation Committee: TWIGF Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group (MSG) is responsible for evaluating all the session proposals received with the criteria listed below. The proposals with the highest evaluation scores will have priority to be put in the TWIGF 2020 Program. The MSG may suggest selected workshop organizers with thematically similar proposals to form mergers. Then MSG may also suggest to modify the speaker list in order to ensure a balance among different stakeholders.
- 評選標準 Evaluation Criteria
項目 Item | 說明 Description |
Relevance |
Are the specific issues to be addressed by the proposal clearly correlated to the designated sub-theme and relevant to the overarching theme? |
Clarity |
提案是否提供了格式中所要求的所有信息,具體項目包括詳細闡述的問題、可行的討論方法和與談成員的組成,也須考慮與談成員的確認狀態。 Does the proposal provide all information requested in the Submission Form, specifically: intended discussion outcomes, viable approach to discussion, and the choice of moderator/speakers (and their availabilities). |
Diversity |
Does the proposal represent viewpoints from multi- stakeholders and provide diverse cultural, economic, gender and geographical perspectives? Are there at least 2 different stakeholder groups on the panel? Are the listed speakers qualified to represent various distinct stakeholder groups? Does the session contribute to the overall diversity of the TWIGF event? |
time assigned |
Does the proposal provide details of how the session will be run to promote discussion and engagement from the audience? |